About Us

Charm Learn Studio

Charm Learn Studio

“To create a sustainable Thai art community”
is our mission statement for this project. At our studio we are open
to working with people of all abilities. We believe that the best way
to learn is hands on. Rather than offering a service, we believe in offering
a unique experience for our visitors.
Our courses revolve around traditional Thai crafts, featuring disciplines
such as: ceramic arts, indigo dyeing, woodcarving – plus many more.
The ideas for our space started with a simple idea- create an atmosphere
where creativity types can learn and collaborate. The studio aims to act as a hub
between people of varying abilities and specialties.
We would like to create a dialog between artists and designers.
People of various professions can exchange knowledge and expertise in each area.
Most importantly our goal is to accomplish this while retaining the spirit
of Thai craft and culture.

At Charm-Learn we believe in respecting our traditions and society.
It is our belief that the best way to do this is by continuing tradition art forms
in ways that conform to modern life. Technology and globalization have
caused many of the tradition art forms to slowly disappear.
Keeping traditions alive help us to connect to our history and our society,
to loose them would be a great loss. By preserving traditional practices,
we can help to pass on our culture to future generations of Thai artists.

While it is our goal to preserve our heritage, we realize that we cannot stop time.
We must adapt to the changes in the modern world if we are to succeed.
We realize that not all changes are bad, and we are open to adapting to better
facilitate our experience and artistic practice. With the current rate of development-
if our generation does not act, many traditional art forms may be lost to time.